One software platform for color control, scalable from one site to a global supply chain. Colibri color management systems help designers, brand owners and management companies, manufacturers and suppliers to specify, produce, manage and communicate color.
CM-SA Skin Analysis Software works in combination with Konica Minolta spectrophotometers to measure the color of skin simultaneously with a numerical display of the Melanin Index, Hemoglobin oxygen saturation (Hb SO2) Index, and Hemoglobin (Hb) Index.
SpectraMagic DX is a color measurement and control software suitable for almost any industry such as Plastics, Paint & Coatings, Cosmetics.
SpectraMagic NX is a color measurement software package that can be used to interface with Konica Minolta instruments and provide extended reporting and analysis of color and color difference with full control of customisation of templates and reports.
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